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An Open Letter to Close-Minded Men,

Dear close-minded men,

This is a letter to the men who see me as a sexualized object… the guys I pass in the hallways of school, the two older men in the corner of the bar… both of my ex boyfriends… This letter is for you, and all the other close-minded men that walk the streets of our society. Listen closely, because this is a learning opportunity for you all. Take this message to heart, so your daughters won’t have to.

I am a woman… Yes, that means I have enlarged breasts, and my reproductive organs are internal, which means I have a vagina. I know, I said the “V” word…

So yes gentlemen, (if I even dare to call you, gentle) I have different body parts than you, but they are superior to yours. Why? Because my body parts have the capacity to provide safe “housing” for human life. I have the capability to keep human life safe and help it develop for 9 months… I also constantly loose blood everyday for a straight week, every single month, and I am still alive! My breasts and vagina are essential to providing life; they are not materials to sexually arose you, sorry to disappoint.

News flash boys, your daughters have the same reproductive organs as me. Breasts… Vaginas… So next time you think about how I’m “a nice piece of ass” remember your daughter will be viewed in the same manner down the road.

I’m somebody’s daughter, somebody’s sister, somebody’s girlfriend… but I am also A Somebody. I am not something “sexy” that walks around to appeal to your eyes and your pathetic ejection. I am a woman.

Xoxo love,

Feminist Nazi to some, Powerful Woman to others -Druw C. Biello

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