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Being nice is polite. But I’m not here to be nice or polite. I’m here to change something, even if it’s one damn thing. I’m not here to be nice and tell you that life is wonderful, because that’s a lie.

I want to speak and make people stop in their tracks and shiver a little. I want to spit the truth out in flames and leave people in awe of the sparks made. I want to start a revolution. I want the words I speak to burn into the minds of the people that dare to listen.

I want the words I speak to send chills down their spine and make them second guess everything they’ve ever known.

I want to fight for freedom.

I want to fight for justice.

I want to rip off the heads of social norms and stomp on stigmas.

I will wage a war of social justice and I will change something. I will change something so that our children will not have to struggle to change it. I will fight so that the generations after us can thrive. So shut up, sit down and listen. I’m running this meeting now, and it’s about damn time for things to change.

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